Almost nothing happened on the 18th. I just drove. I drove 520 miles from where I was in Iowa to Mitchell, South Dakota. My right side headlight burnt out and my left side headlight was working intermittently when it got to be night time, so I drove part of the way using my brights.
On the 19th I saw the Corn Palace in Mitchell. This further affirmed my suspicion that America has an obsession with corn. The entire building was decorated with corn. Very well decorated, too. There were big frescos of wild west and Native American scenes made entirely out of corn cobs. Quirky, to say the least. Quirky, and free. Love the free stuff.
I bought a new headlight for my right side, only to find out my headlight woes were not over. Apparently there is a wiring issue on that side, so even though the bulb is new, it still won’t light up. I still haven’t figured out where the short is, and it’s the 27th as of this writing. However, I did get my left side headlight to work all the time, so I can drive at night without too much issue.
Anyway, I hopped back on the road towards Mt. Rushmore. I stopped at a recreation of a town in 1880 so creatively entitled “1880 Town.” It would have been much cooler if it was a working representation, or even if some of the buildings weren’t run down and poorly taken care of. It was a nice place to stretch the legs, but not much more if you ask me.
Also on the 19th I stopped at what my travel book proclaimed was the “famous Wall Drug Store in Wall, SD.” It seemed to live up to that name, for the drug store was more of a shopping center, full of cowboy gift shops and overpriced tourist trinkets and as many travelling fanny pack wearers and motorcycle gangs as it could fit. At least I can say I’ve seen it.
I made it most of the rest of the way to Mt. Rushmore, sleeping outside of a Days Inn about a 45 minute drive from the monument.
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